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Overall Impressions

Overall Impressions

An Über driver named Tasha here in Las Vegas went to the wrong address to pick us up from church, refused to drive over one more block insisting she was in the right place (she couldn't find a huge cathedral!), was rude and crude, wouldn't answer my second phone call, then cancelled the trip claiming that I cancelled it and charged us for the cancellation!

We walked a couple of blocks and hired a hotel limo to take us to our destination. When Über put through the charge I wrote back to them and, within two hours, I received an apology, and credit, and a promise that Tasha's record and performance would be reviewed.

When I'm happy with a company, I can tolerate a rotten apple. You just can't prevent bad service (and stupidity) 100% of the time. I'll always give the benefit of the doubt. But when you continually disappoint me, as some airlines do, or the cable company does, I never give you the benefit of the doubt.

Because it's not a rotten apple, it's a rotten orchard.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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