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A “priority” is something that's more important than other things at the moment.

Permit me to make something clear: Health and family are always the priorities over business.

I was actually asked yesterday by someone how to decide whether an important, impending business meeting was more important than visiting a dying relative. I've had people cancel their own developmental experiences because a client casually requested that same day for a chat. I've never had a problem telling any client that a given day is not available.

You don't go out on your own to be everyone else's employee. You do so to be the peer of buyers, with whom you partner for business. Has a true buyer (or even a buyer's subordinate) ever canceled a meeting with you because of a family problem? They'll also do so if they have a conflicting coaching (or therapy) appointment.

If you're sacrificing all else to make prospect and client requests your top priority, you are living to work, not working to live. And that's pretty damn sad.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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