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Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

• There are people on Facebook demanding that they have more privacy. Say, what?

• The Sanctuary Resort here has signs up warning you about (the very visible) alligators. But it's the bugs that drive you crazy. Why no signs about them?

• Putting someone in a hostess position with no personality is like hiring an airline pilot who can't see. Why would you do that?

• Abysmally stupid issues like Miss America's ethnic origins would simply go away if intelligent people stopped talking about the unintelligent people's idiotic comments.

• I've noticed that community blogs, like the “Patch,” often unearth a pathetic and bigoted segment of the community that would normally remain under a rock but crawls out when given free media access.

• If you don't think the educational system is failing, listen to any local news anchor murder the language.

• Do you know why sports coverage is so much more detailed, nuanced, accurate, and well written than other news? Because people read it carefully, care about it, and protest inaccuracies and dumb opinions.

© Alan Weiss 2013

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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