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Million Dollar Consulting™ Hot Tips


For nearly a decade I had provided clients with semi-annual mailings containing ideas for management, leadership, and strategy which were cross-functional and cross-cultural. I stopped the practice a few years ago when I realized that all of us were becoming deluged with email, print mail, voice mail, and other communications which were consuming too much time and diluting everyone's attention span.

I've had the good fortune over the last year to work in four countries, acquire a dozen new clients and work with a half-dozen continuing clients, and to publish four books. In addition, I've addressed conference and convention audiences throughout the country and all over the world.

As we approach the anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, I thought it would be of value to offer the insights I've gathered in some major business and organization areas in one concise publication. They might not all be valid for you, but I'm hoping that you'll find at least some of them will add value immediately to your business objectives and personal goals.

As always, I'm happy to be of help, formally or informally. I can be reached by using the contact information listed atop of this page. Call or write if you'd like to discuss these issues in detail, would like more copies of the Briefing or need any other assistance.

Click the title of each article below to read more.