Some Things I Find I’m Changing As I Get Older
- I’m not so concerned about building my investment portfolio as I am about being certain that we can take care of ourselves even if I stop working entirely (unlikely) and in the manner to which we’ve become accustomed. I don’t want our kids to have to take care of us, as we did our parents, nor do I intend to make our kids wealthy at the expense of any diminished lifestyle.
- I’m not saving my best wines any more. I’m drinking what I feel like drinking in the moment. I can always buy more.
- I refuse to waste time, and my tolerance for being polite with inane conversation exists only on fumes.
- I have no qualms about buying new cars because I want to have the chance to drive them. As a matter of fact, my mantra is frequently, “If not now, when?”
- I’m outsourcing all the physical labor I can except for that which will keep me fit. Going up on the roof for some reason does not keep me fit. Playing Frisbee with the dog does.
- I laugh at being called “old” when I’m smarter by a lightyear than the person using the epithet. In fact, I ask, “Is that all you’ve got, because that’s pretty pathetic.”
- I used to have a small worry about smoking cigars and drinking, and now I have none.
- I can get away with talking to younger women at a lounge very casually and calmly. They find me interesting. Especially when they see me get out of the Rolls in front of the building.
- I realize that the 1960s was the most exciting, profound, influential decade in any of our lifetimes.
- I stopped getting low interest, adjustable mortgages when, at age 70, the bank offered me a very low interest, fixed, 30-year mortgage. “You’re kidding,” I said. “No, we think it’s a good deal for both of us,” said the banker. Well, shut the front door.
- I know what a Rusty Nail is and some bartenders do, too. My favorite restaurant gives me one on the house after dinner.
- I’m happy as hell I learned to drive a stick shift and am ecstatic that I have a 7-speed Corvette ZO6, which is about to disappear. It’s not a sports car unless it has a manual shift, I don’t care what name is on it. And I’m driving mine.
- I bring the average age down when I enter church.
- I can still go on E-bay and elsewhere and buy stuff that hasn’t been produced for ages (like some models or Lionel trains) that some people have kept in pristine condition all these years.
- I never pull the age card, never ask for “senior discounts,” wouldn't board a plane early because I need “extra time,” because I don’t. (Most people who claim they do go running up the jetway at the destination, the liars.)
- I can honestly tell people, and I do more often, that I saw, in person, Sandy Koufax pitch at Ebbetts Field and Frank Sinatra sing at the Circle Star Theater.
- I regret more that I flew on the Concorde and regret that there’s nothing like it today.
- I find every day full of opportunities to exploit and I’m adding yearly to my 60+ countries visited.
- I’m able to give philanthropically, which is a pleasure, and I’m significantly increasing those donations.