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Speaking Opportunity

Speaking Opportunity

This organization may be ideal for those of you specializing in smaller closely held businesses. They can pay about $12,000, including travel expenses. Please do NOT contact me, but the person below:


1. Our Contact Info – (we are handling booking speakers for BAS)

Company Name:   Ugly Mug Marketing

Contact Name:  Wayne Mullins

Email Address:  [email protected]

Business Address:  4501 Jackson St Ste C  Alexandria, LA 71303

Phone:  318-447-4551

2. Date or date range for speaking engagement Flexible – but in 2014.

3. Location of Event:  Alexandria, LA

4. About The Organization:

This organization (Business Acceleration System) works with entrepreneurs over a nine parish region here in central Louisiana.  They have an amazing track record of helping entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level. ($169M in increased revenue over the past 5 years)  You can learn more about their organization here:


Here's one 3 minute video that sums up the impact they are having:


Due to their charter, and the sources they receive funding from, they are unable to charge people to attend the seminars/workshops they put on, and are required to make the events available to the public.  However, they do have a budget for speakers and the promotion of each event.

They group their entrepreneurs into three groups:  

Entry Level: those just starting – or hoping to start soon

Emerging Level: businesses typically doing over $200,000 per year

Advanced Level: businesses typically doing over $1,000,000 per year

However, these levels are primary based on the skill development of each entrepreneur.

5. Length of event:

The events we have done in the past have ranged from 3.5 hours to full-day events.  We are very flexible with regard to the type of event, as well as the content that would be presented. The goal of each event is to provide each entrepreneur tools, resources, and knowledge to help them go back an make positive, lasting, changes in their businesses.

However, the primary focus this year is on teaching entrepreneurs how to scale their businesses.

6. Previous Speakers:

They attempt to have somewhere between four and six of these events each year.

Here's a partial list of speakers from 2013:

Les McKeown 

Bryan Dodge

Bryan Franklin

Ari Weinzweig

Sam Carpenter


Thanks again for taking the time to review this information.  I look forward to hearing back from you, and answering any additional questions you may have.



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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