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Take Your Best Shot

Take Your Best Shot

It's easier to carp than to improve. It's easier to blame than to take accountability. It's easier to be pessimistic and justify your lack of success than to be optimistic and work at success.

I admire people who join mastermind groups because these usually aren't people who sit around bemoaning their fate, but rather who hold each other accountable and permit no whining. The whiners tell you in good times that things can't stay this way, and in bad times that any hint of improvement is false and things will only get worse. In the cosmos of the cynical, down times never end and up times are ephemeral. They remind me of the old definition of Puritanism: The dread fear that someone, someplace, is enjoying himself.

It's easy to take shots, especially if you use a shotgun. The trouble is you have neither the greatest range nor accuracy, but you can be really annoying.

If you get up on Monday morning with the endemic belief that things are bad and will get worse, you've got one hell of a week staring you in the face. But if you get up and feel like there's another week of opportunity, contribution, and success out there, then you can't wait to get out the door.

Life is what you make it. Take your best shot. Just don't shoot yourself in the foot. And if you choose to do so deliberately, stay away from me.

© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 3

  • Michael Zipursky

    October 3, 2009

    Alan, man what a post! This is the kind of thing people need to print out and put in front of their desks or bed side tables (especially the last couple paragraphs).

    Not because it’s so true (which it is), but because too many will dismiss this as nothing more than ‘touchy feely stuff’ that doesn’t work. They’ve now been warned.

  • Wayne Botha

    October 4, 2009

    Alan, another examplary post. Appreciate the shooting metaphors.

    Would you consider sharing the tips for successful mastermind groups? Any criteria on selecting appropriate members, and indicators that it is time to walk away from the mastermind group?

  • Alan Weiss

    October 4, 2009

    Thanks, Michael.

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