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The Difference Between 1 and 7

The Difference Between 1 and 7

I was graduated number 9 academically in high school, and number 7 in college. I tell you this not to brag—I don't want to recreate Facebook here—but to explain a significant difference in labor.

I studied with my own discipline (I read every word in every book) and prepared for tests and exams in my own way—an minimally as possible. Those who finished at higher rankings than I did also used FAR higher labor than I invested. Without having thought much about it, I was sanguine to be near the top with not too much labor than at the top with excessive labor.

We need to leverage and scale our efforts as solo practitioners and boutique firm owners in the same way. Too many people publish an article, then spend a week promoting it. The better approach is to leave it alone and publish another article all the time while also getting in front of buyers.

Make your priority success, not perfection. Because in terms of labor, the difference between 1 and 7 is zero.

© Alan Weiss 2015

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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