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The High Horse

The High Horse

This phrase originated with the horses known as “chargers” favored by knights for their size and imposing nature. Powerful people rode “high horses” (destrier in French) and their statues depicted rider and horse larger than life.

Once out of style, when people still acted aloof and better than others, they were invited to “come off their high horse.”

Some people write me with a one-word “Unsubscribe!” as if I'm their concierge. They opted into the newsletter themselves, and the “unsubscribe” link is in plain evidence. Others say, “Where is my order, I placed it two hours ago!” as if we're Amazon. (Do they deliver that fast? Maybe the drones….)

One woman wanted her complimentary download that is offered within 48 hours of the event to be delivered now—even though the event was two weeks away. Some people read my weekly newsletters, encounter one with which they disagree, and then make a big deal of unsubscribing because they can't read any more of them if I disagree on that issue! You'd think I had offered a recipe for puppy stew.

On Facebook, that great “selfie” publishing operation, people actually print that “It's a sad day for America” because their pet project or personal belief was outvoted or turned down. Exactly how much hubris is required for that kind of attitude? Forget the majority, ignore the laws, I know what's right!

And then there are the people who tell me my system is making mistakes when they are the sole person out of 25,000 on the mailing or offer who can't open it, never ever assuming the problem may be at their end. I'vw actually opened links they claim can't be opened on the same email they're sending back to me!

And then there's: “Oh, I guess I didn't scroll down far enough.” I guess not.

Hey, come off that high horse, join the rest of us in the infantry, and get some perspective. You're getting a nosebleed up there and, frankly, the horse doesn't look too happy with you.

© Alan Weiss 2014

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Lucien Canton

    February 6, 2014

    As usual, Alan, you are so right on target. I had a colleague of many years (who I considered a friend) take violent exception to the monthly article in one of my newsletters. He wrote to me and demanded to be removed from my mailing list, ignoring the link on the newsletter for that purpose just so he could tell me off. When I checked my stats, he hadn’t even read the article!

  • Alan Weiss

    February 6, 2014

    Some people are terribly threatened Bo opposing ideas!

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