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The No Normal®

The No Normal®

I'm reinstated on LinkedIn! It's like dealing with the Wizard of Oz, but from what I can surmise, someone probably hacked my account. I've changed passwords and submitted the right proof in the right form to the right address in the right manner. This makes the postal service seem efficient by comparison.

In any case, most of you can offer stories of having criminals attack your technology, and spending time and money to prevent it or deal with the consequences. We're seeing hacking of municipalities, school systems, and utilities for ransom that's often been paid. We've read about massive amounts of cryptocurrency being stolen and then traced, even though it was supposed to be untraceable. Welcome to what I've called the No Normal®.

How long before electric cars' software is attacked and the cars are crashed, or incapacitated until ransom is paid, or simply stolen? Will we see electric trucks, emergency vehicles, and construction equipment stalled and disabled? We're seeing some evidence of at least faulty software now causing injury and death. I hope I'm wrong, but if a group can hack a utility or a bank, are you telling me they can't hack a car?

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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