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The Not-So-Super Bowl

The Not-So-Super Bowl

What you saw in the Super Bowl yesterday was absolute mediocrity. Two poor quarterback performances, unimaginative play calls, turnovers, just a mess. Yesterday, at least, a half-dozen other teams could have beaten either of the finalists.

But the Broncos and Panthers did what they had to during the season, were sometimes great, sometimes lucky, and no one is arguing that they cheated to get there. Eventually, one of them had to win last night.

You and I don't have to “win” every time. We simply have to be competitive and very good as often as possible. If so, we'll get our share. Stop worrying about perfection. It certainly wasn't in evidence last night, but the Broncos still won the Super Bowl.

© Alan Weiss 2016

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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