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The Odd Couple® in Vegas

The Odd Couple® in Vegas

Patricia Fripp and I are once again (for over a decade!) conducting The Odd Couple® Workshop for marketing professional speaking services this June in Las Vegas. Details are here: http://www.fripp.com/oddcouple.html

We've just waded through a flurry of schedule changes and related matters (the economy is recovering and assignments are reappearing with a vengeance) and we have a few unanticipated openings. There is a discount until the end of April, so I'm letting everyone know here and now.

Join us if you're a trainer, workshop leader, keynoter, facilitator, panel moderator, emcee, or in any related line of work, and in two days we will help you improve your marketing and subsequent revenue by a couple of hundred percent. Don't believe it? Check out the reference on the site. AND we have experts contributing in media publicity, technology strategies, multi-media, and a couple of former “world champions of speaking.”

You never know what Fripp and I are going to do (or disagree about). It's a small investment for a huge return. (And the day prior I'm running a Process Visuals Workshop if you need help with your marketing and delivery communications. You can find that here.

For more info and to register: http://www.fripp.com/oddcouple.html

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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