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Wall Street Journal Misses the Boat

Wall Street Journal Misses the Boat

Today, the fourth section of the Wall Street Journal carried a lead article by Richard Greenwald, a professor and dean at Drew University in New Jersey, about how to make it as a solo consultant. At the risk of driving still more people to the article, I have to tell you that I began laughing out loud when he suggested that it's a great idea to teach at a community college since it will enhance your consulting résumé! I can just see an executive at Boeing or JPMorgan Chase gaining confidence because you've taught at the community college level and you've got a résumé, as if you're applying for a job!

One interviewee's acquisition of new business cards, a “basic web site,” and a new cellphone has allowed him to reach 80% of his old salary (which was presumably somewhere in the four figures)!

If you wanted to commission an article on the pressures of working in an emergency room, wouldn't you talk to a doctor or nurse? If you want an article on successful independent consulting, why not have one write the story, or interview a dozen? There is no mention of how to market, how to establish fees, how to build on past relationships, or how to use the Internet.

He does remind us that clients do not want an important phone conference interrupted by a nagging two-year-old. Ah, I wouldn't have realized that.

Honest to goodness….

© Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Lisa Nirell

    February 8, 2010

    It must have been a slow day at the WSJ reporters’ offices…

  • Tim Wilson

    February 9, 2010


    After reading your comments I had to read the article to see what it had to say. After completing it I understood why you laughed out loud.

    If you want some additional entertainment read some of the comments on the article a number of them are really funny. The only one that had any merit was from John Felkins if I had to guess is someone who has attended your mentoring program.


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