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We’ll Get Back to You, But We Can’t Guarantee in this Lifetime

We'll get back to you, but we can't guarantee in this lifetime

We’ll Get Back to You, But We Can’t Guarantee in this Lifetime

Dumb Ass Stupid Management:

From Amtrack to the local pool company, you can no longer immediately reach someone or even leave a message. First, there's a minute or so on how faithful they are to Covid protocols (and, in Amtrak's or an airline's case, threats of arrest if you don't comply, along with lifetime banning), then there are promotions for services, then requests to visit the website, and finally the opportunity to sit on hold or to leave  a message. Yesterday, Amtrak told me minimum wait times were 30 minutes but I could opt to be called back. 20 hours or so later, they haven't called. (Amtrack's site has stopped accepting any of my passwords and won't offer a change automatically.)

Yeah, I know, lack of staffing, remote work, supply chain problems, monsters under the bed.

Or maybe just lousy management and an excuse not to invest in better service.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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