The Ultimate Stupid
A TV station in Virginia removed a veteran sportscaster from covering a basketball game, Robert Lee, because they were afraid his name would "offend" some viewers. There is a movement to ban the movie Gone with the Wind, because of the racist
Making Change
In the last couple of months, I've noticed clerks and cashiers in California, New Jersey, Nantucket, and Rhode Island struggling to make change. The register tells them that the bill was $26,85 and that $50.00 was submitted, therefore the change
Why I Am Not Running This By You
I have some bad news. Consensus is about something you can live with, not about something you would die for. It's not unanimity. Most times, consensus is simply an idealistic vision which has virtually no bearing on the quality of the
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/28/17
An author named Karl Ove Knausgaard once claimed, according to the New York Times, that he needed at least 300 pages to state even the simplest truth. It's been reported that Marcel Proust, in writing Remembrance of Things Past,
Stealing Money
I do start to worry about our society and our values when those two rather horrible people in that fight last night made $200 million (winner) and $100 million (loser). In a couple of thousand years no one is going
Dumb Ass Stupid Management in East Greenwich, RI
In the affluent community of East Greenwich, RI, where there are 12 places on Main St. to buy coffee in them morning—including Starbuck's and the award-winning Main Street Café—the owner of Dunkin' Donuts has decided to stop giving out free
There Are Errors and There Are Errors
If you're experiencing errors in execution—by omission or commission—build your skills set. If you're experiencing errors in judgment, get a great coach.