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The New Reality About Service

The New Reality About Service

We're enjoying a family vacation here in Vegas. Employees are working very hard, clearly understaffed, especially in restaurants. But it's all about management. When you give people support and empower them, they can make decisions “on the front line” that are sensible and positive for the customer. But if that doesn't happen, the labor intensifies and the customer satisfaction declines.

I'm spending a lot of money here and needed a power strip for the suite. Two different “service” people told me to go out to CVS and buy one, and a manager refused to return my call! Finally, someone responsible for my business returned from a couple of days off and sent one up right away.

Imagine a hotel with insufficient outlets for electronic devices which doesn't stock power strips or automatically place them under the desk in the rooms? But we'll have to accommodate this until what's stupidly called “the great resignation” abates.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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