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A Person of Interest

A Person of Interest

The new TV hit show, Blacklist, is absurdly ridiculous. But James Spader is so good that we record every episode to make sure we don't miss any. I saw him on Broadway in Race, where co-star Kelley Washington, the current star of Scandal, was nowhere remotely near his level of acting. (In fact, she was pretty awful.)

Do people want to be with you, hear from you, watch you because you're so good at what you do, so interesting, so fascinating? If so, they'll trust you to make the buying decision along with them. I'm not talking all “sizzle” and no “steak,” but I am talking sufficient sizzle to distinguish a steak that almost anyone else can cook. How do you stand out in a crowded field? You do it by being distinctly excellent.

I once heard an executive deliver a speech about a record bonus for employees so poorly that the audience believed they were taking a pay cut. I also heard CEO Steve Wynn, who swore he'd never leave the Golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City, tell employees why he was breaking his promise, and there wasn't a dry eye—or any anger—in the house.

Are you someone others want to be near? Are you a person of interest? Or are you merely someone lowing from the middle of the herd?

© Alan Weiss 2013

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Alan Weiss

    November 6, 2013

    Nice points!

  • Steven B. Levy

    November 6, 2013

    He is brilliant in Blacklist, isn’t he! I watch it the next day on NBC’s site. And that’s a great metaphor to draw from it. When we’re out there, there is medium as well as message, ground as well as figure. I try to remind myself every day that clients listen to the delivery as well as the message, and that sometimes it’s the delivery itself that makes clients willing to hear the message. Thanks for another reminder, one that will stick with me.

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