Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/07/2022
During my career I’ve worked with clients who originally wanted to “improve our team work” or “enhance communication skills” or “foster a happier workforce.” I’d always ask, “Why?” Because you can have a very happy group of employees communicating well until the cows come home, but such internal, perceived needs don’t mean the customers will be happy or the business improves. I became proleptic in these conversations, always seeking ultimate, powerful outcomes.
The idea, of course, is to create happier customers who buy more and refer more people to you, and happier employees will help do that. But the metric has to be external, about the business improvement. I asked a business owner not long ago, who effectively and frequently highlights her employees in public, “When was the last time you highlighted one of your best customers?” That brought about an embarrassed silence.
I look at end results and work backwards, asking myself, “How can I achieve that outcome as rapidly as possible and with the least labor on my part?” That’s a fair question, and it’s why I charge by the value I provide—a business outcome—and not by the hour or by the deliverable (for example, a training program, or in today’s hideous vernacular, “a training”). HR people are ecstatic about deliverables that simply occur and evanesce and don’t have to be assessed for ROI. But executives have to report to the board and investors about business results.
I ask myself the same kinds of questions about whether I need new software or another storage back-up or additional bells and whistles around Zoom. (I’m giddy when I see people with green screens, 24 lights, three cameras, and less value than I provide simply looking into my computer camera. For me, screen sharing is holding up a drawing I’ve made on a legal pad.)
Incidentally, the origin of the phrase “until the cows come home” comes from the 19th Century and the practice of cows returning to their shelters at some indefinite point, usually at a slow, languid pace of their own.
I think we have to be faster and more focused on outcomes than livestock.

Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result. — Oscar Wilde
If fighting is sure to result in victory, than you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding. — Sun Tzu
Six Figures to Seven (627): This Thursday and Friday in Las Vegas, I have two seats because of international cancellations. Make an impulse decision and change the direction of your future. Million Dollar Consulting and “seven figures” are metaphors for achieving the lifestyle and true wealth (discretionary time) that you desire. This experience, which I may never repeat at this stage, will get you there. February 10-11, 2022 (two full days) Las Vegas, Nevada. Fee: $4,500. Register here: alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/six-figures-to-seven/
Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? milliondollarconsultingcourse.com We have over 500 people from 43 countries.
The Role Play Workshop: Join me in Dallas on April 29 in an intimate setting for a day of role play where we exchange roles and practice from “both sides.” We’ll deal with sales meetings, referral requests, networking discussions, expansion business, advisory offers, overdue payments, rejecting scope creep, and whatever else is on your mind. We’ll also be adjusting language to reflect today’s new realities in terms of technology, remote meetings, social mores, economics, strategy, and much more. For example, do you realize there’s a vast difference between “budget” (always strained) and “money” (always available)? alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/role-play-workshop/
The Power Community Experience: I’m launching a new variation of coaching and growth for people who seek an intense, shorter-term opportunity to grow dramatically. It will combine group and personal advisory help, and will mix several opportunities for self-development. Join me for 60 days on specific growth topics and personal coaching in a small group, including weekly Zoom calls, monthly livestream broadcasts, free participation in one of my workshops, and much more. Beginning mid-March, discount for joining this month: alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/power-community-experience/
Beyond Thought Leadership: Six “stars” from my community from five countries will be interviewed by me in this live, 2.5 day experience. I’ll be introducing new IP, case studies, and role-plays. And the final interview will be with me. This is one-time only, it was difficult to organize. Limited participation, in Miami in November, register now, no one else can offer this experience for your growth. alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/beyond-thought-leadership/
Ferocious Time Management: I’m tired of wasting my time hearing people tell me they have no time!!In a rare appearance in San Diego, I’m going to help you ruthlessly organize yourself so that you have time to close business, deliver a remote speech, create a book outline, and learn to tame wild beasts before lunch. Seriously, time is “elastic,” and you can stretch it to accommodate what you need to accomplish. Moreover, most people work too hard to achieve too little. Discretionary time is wealth, not money, but we’re prone to work so hard chasing money that we erode our wealth. Create greater output in a 20-hour week! alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/ferocious-time-management/
By Invitation Only: This year I'm accepting six people for a 2.5-day meeting, June 14-16 in the Caribbean, and 12 people for a 2.5-day meeting September 6-8 at a resort of the group's choosing. I have two seats open in June and eight in September. We stay at great resorts, work for a half-day on personal and business issues with peers, and socialize with great meals and wonderful surroundings. Spouses and partners are welcome but not mandatory! Write me to apply and/or visit here: alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/developmental-experiences/invitation-only/