Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/05/2019
This past Saturday, on our 51st anniversary, my wife and I drove down to Foxwoods in Connecticut to gamble a bit, have a nice dinner, and see Jerry Seinfeld from great seats. I hadn't seen him live for 20 years. He's 65 now, and I love his observational humor.
He runs on stage in a suit and tie, and uses a corded hand mike, a stool, and a bottle of water. The 90-minute set is very high energy, incisive, wry, and without one word of profanity. And it's blazingly funny.
The crowd was highly diverse. The couple on my right were in their 20s, there was every color of skin among the audience (including highly tattooed), and the man in front of me who was full of energy had four prosthetics—he had lost his arms and legs, yet before the show he was blasting away on a cell phone. (Try not to tell me about your arthritis or back problems.)
Seinfeld is funny as hell without being gross, dressing as if he's homeless, or creating victims among his audience. He can appeal to everyone without antagonizing anyone. No causes or candidates were mentioned or promoted throughout his set, nor does anyone need to yell, “Shut up and sing!”
And he's totally honest about who he is. “All our lives suck,” he observes at one point, “but mine sucks somewhat less than yours.”
I know whereof you speak, Jerry.
Most comedy is based on getting a laugh at somebody else's expense. And I find that that's just a form of bullying in a major way. So I want to be an example that you can be funny and be kind, and make people laugh without hurting somebody else's feelings. — Ellen DeGeneres
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