Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/30/2023
I don't usually do this, but I'm repeating here my blog post (Contrarian Consulting, on my site) from the weekend. I've adjusted it somewhat, and I think you may find it poignant.
When I was very young, a man would come around the neighborhood with a grindstone on his back ringing a large bell. He would settle on a corner and sharpen knives and scissors for five cents each. Women, of course, were home, and would send their kids down to provide the man with their blades and payment. The man was bent and wiry and probably in his late 70s, about my age today. One week he never returned, and no one ever offered that service again.
Today, there’s a small tailor shop on Main Street here that has to be 40 years old (I’ve been here 35) run by a single tailor. The place is a mess, in that there are threads and samples and tools all over the place. He has to clear the counter to write out a receipt. But he’s quite busy, he’s one-of-a-kind.
I brought a jacket in the other day with a small rip on the lapel. Without even looking inside he said, “This is entirely hand made.” (It’s a Kiton, which is entirely hand made. Brioni, for example, an excellent brand, is only mostly hand made.) “And cashmere,” he said, feeling the material.
He examined the rip and the fabric, hunted around, sweeping things out of the way, to find the right color and size thread, a needle, thimble, and scissors, and started sewing a couple of inches away from the tear. (I thought he’d tell me to leave it with him, maybe get it back in a week.) Ten minutes later there was no defect visible at all. I watched him the entire time and still didn’t understand how he did that. No automation, no machines, just skill.
“There,” he said, as he finished.
“How much?” I asked.
“You pay me what you want to pay me,” he said.
I paid him handsomely, only partially for the repair job, but mostly for this disappearing experience of one-on-one personal, immediate service with “ancient” expertise. (Sewing originated around 4,000 BC.) One coming day he won’t be there, and no one will take his place. Of course, the same applies to me.
And to you.
Life is not AI, which is just another tool. Life is IA: Interpersonal Associations. Engage in them while you can.
Customer service is just a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity. —Leon Gorman
In America, small business is a big deal. —Bob Beauprez
Craftspeople are disappearing. We think we're making progress by replacing them with automation, technology, and remote work. But at what price? We're losing our societal soul. —Alan Weiss
KILLING THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME: WHAT IF YOU REALLY ARE THAT GOOD?Shed your doubts and fears. I’ll be providing criteria to honestly evaluate your effectiveness, get over thinking you don’t deserve things, become totally comfortable with any buyer, and place the proper value on your improving others’ businesses and well-being. You are masking your talents and value when you fear you’ll be “found out.” You’re not assertively promoting and marketing yourself if you think you’re really a fraud.
And you’ll never be a peer of the buyer while you’re wondering why the hell the buyer invited you to meet. Maybe you need to come to grips with the fact that you just that terrific. I can help you do that in 90 minutes. Or are you afraid you don’t belong in this program because you’re not good enough? November 20 at 10:30 eastern for 90 minutes. $1,400. You can register at: https://alanweiss.com/grow
Thought Leadership 2023
In Thought Leadership 2023 we will: Create dramatic new IP around your expertise; Commercialize IP so as to immediately trademark it; Create a social proof journal which impressively supports your positions and provides instant credibility; Project immediate value so that no one will ever “ghost” you again; Create an “in the buyer’s office” role play which utilizes contemporary events; Use the Wall Street Journal for rich sources of material, which I will demonstrate for each of you; Create a 25-page ebook outline that you can complete with little effort within the following week as a marketing lever.
There will be prep work to enable you to gather the proper materials. Minimum of 10 people, maximum of 20 (physically present) for 1.5 days. The fee is $9,500 which includes a light breakfast both mornings and lunch on the first day. You will get a $1,000 rebate after the program if you:
- Stay through the compete session and don’t leave early for the airport.
- Submit to me your completed ebook content within 10 days.
You may attend virtually for $7,500, no rebates.* November 29-30, Washington, DC.
NEW: The Remote Millionaire®: Yes, I’m going to provide the secrets (and puncture the myths) of making a million dollars or more a year without leaving your home.
And, ironically, I’m going to do it in person, because I’m scheduled to be in San Diego and LA for other reasons and I generate so much money remotely that I like to be with people on occasion (in good weather)! Here’s what you’ll create or improve without leaving home, except for this day with me:
- Developing unsolicited referra
ls. - Creating client evangelism with prospects.
- Delivering powerful marketing discussions.
- Creating contemporary passive income.
- Establishing client “banks” that are used and replenished.
- Moving to and enlarging a trusted advisor network.
We’ll be using role plays, actual participant services (from prep work), and exercises to develop the skills to market, deliver, and expand business though dramatic and tangible value from a distance. We’ll master how to do this with individuals, small groups, and/or large audiences. https://alanweiss.c
NEW! Alan’s Advisory Suite: Nine options for groups or individuals to receive “real time” coaching to build their practices and lives on a continuing basis. The strongest, best people in business, entertainment, sports, the media—all use coaches. https://alanweiss.com
Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 47 countries. https://milliondoll
NEW: Million Dollar Consulting® for the World ADVANCED: The new program contains over 60 videos and has 15 modules focusing on what to do in the buyer’s office, overcoming crises, financial planning, and much, much more. https://alanweiss.com/gr
Sentient Strategy Certification: My new book on the topic (above) has been released, so this is an ideal time to market Sentient Strategy. Write me to apply, join over 70 people certified in six countries. One-time fee of $12,000, includes 90 days of my support, free admission to all future certifications, and admission to a private web board with other Sentient facilitators. alan@summitcons
SAC Annual Meeting – San Diego/Hybrid: Join me for the upcoming Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC) annual meeting in San Diego and hybrid on Nov. 14th. I’ll be speaking in the morning, followed with additional content from colleagues. Click to learn more and register. Stay over and join me at The Remote Millionaire on the following day. You do not have to be a SAC member.