Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/23/2019
I coach a lot of people who regret that they can’t do what they once could do. That might be physical (athletics), or travel (kids have come along), or psychological (we fear things we didn’t fear before).
I have a different view. I ran the hundred yard dash in 10 seconds when I was age-appropriate to do that. I never thought I’d be able to do it forever. I knew I’d continue to travel by taking the kids along or getting a sitter. And I don’t mind being more sensitive to things that I foolheartedly ignored in my callow youth.
Personally, what I focus on as well as advise others to do, is to emphasize that which you can now do which you couldn’t do years ago. I can write better and faster, I can access more diverse friends and colleagues, I can travel in a manner superior to steerage. I appreciate life more and exploit opportunities better.
It’s really a simple issue of mindset. Are you going to focus on what you can no longer do or on what you were never able to do until now? I was never able to ask questions like that when I was younger.
…and on Earth good will and peace to all people—Paraphrasing the Gospel of Luke
Establishing Dynamic Communities: This is the first time I’ve ever provided the steps to form communities like mine—corporate or retail—which feature the “Chain Reaction of Attraction™” and the specific techniques to enable your clients to market for you to each other and to prospects by providing the great value of connectivity. Limited seating. Subscribe here.
Top Shelf with Top Gun: The best of the best practices for rapidly closing business and maximizing the three sales: initial, referral, and expansion. At the same time we’ll create labor-reducing delivery which results in huge increases in income at half the labor. How can you not attend this? Subscribe here.
Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: In Sydney, Australia, on the harbor, with international speakers and attendance (we’re at 60 already) and we have room for 80. In 2.5 highly intense days, experience three main stage and 12 concurrent sessions, a “breakfast with the stars,” and luncheon and reception networking events. This is a one-time opportunity in Australia, and Australians and New Zealanders have a special discount. Subscribe here. We can run out of room with this one, so please register ASAP if you want to ensure a place. Twenty seats left.
Getting Started in Consulting and Reenergizing Your Practice: This was sold out in Boston and I’m presenting it in LA in April. The fee is only $300 (but only for the next month) and I’m buying lunch. I’m doing this especially for people who can’t attend my more expensive offerings, but it’s open to all and we had a lot of “veterans” in Boston. This is a high-powered, high-energy, entertaining, and enlightening six hours that I won’t be doing again on the West Coast. Subscribe here. The price doubles to $600 as of January 1st.
Building A Powerful Pipeline in Any Economy: The sky isn’t falling, but even if it did, here’s how you protect yourself by creating strong prospects and referrals no matter what the economy is doing because your value is so obviously powerful to others. A unique livesteam event. Subscribe here. It’s the “Chicken Little Workshop”!
Fearless Leadership: Interact with me in a Livestream Special Event on how to gain fearlessness and how to instill it in others. (If you bought the book or use the existing bonus offer on my site, the session is free!) Subscribe here.