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ASAE: Association for Spam And Excess

ASAE: Association for Spam And Excess

About two years ago I decided to join ASAE (American Society of Association Executives). Since I run the Society for Advancement of Consulting, I thought there may be some synergies, ideas, and best practices I could access.

Instead, I received a steady stream of offers to buy things and attend things for a fee. But worse, they apparently sell, rent, lease, give away, or leave on the sidewalk the email addresses of members. I provided a little-used email address that seldom received attention outside of my own society members. Suddenly, I was besieged with all kinds of junk email and spam—all of it irrelevant and much of it tasteless. I was also the subject of offers from countless people to buy, join, participate, and so forth—almost always for a fee.

To this day I'm still unsubscribing or deleting email to that address, which I'm positive originated with my membership—since cancelled. I print this here as a warning, in case any of you are considering any kind of connection with ASAE. Instead of a professional association, I found a flea market with hawking venders like you'd find in a fourth world country, except you can walk away from those.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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