“When I’m 64” (The Beatles)
Have you noticed that entrepreneurs in professional services (law, accounting, consulting, design, coaching, business owners in general, etc.) tend to "work" later in their lives than people in organizational life? That's not because the former need the money, it's because
A Minute with Alan® — Perfect Games
July 10th, 2023 Isolate the negatives and generalize the positives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3A2IpgAA5E
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/10/2023
Kicking the can down the road: Sound familiar? The phrase, meaning to put off decisions and work until a later time, actually gained currency in the 1980s (prior to that it was applied to a children’s game). Literally, of course, you
The Pain Is Real, But….
Pain is unavoidable, but suffering is voluntary. Many religions support time to mourn and grieve and atone, with the intent that it's necessary and healthy to do so. But the times are restricted, and life then goes on. With less than the
Of Fowl and Food
We have predator birds regularly visiting our property: ospreys, egrets, hawks, herons. We have a two-acre pond and surrounding woods that serves as their restaurant. Yesterday, the Great Blue Heron below joined me while I was at the pool. I
A Minute with Alan® — Postal
July 7th, 2023 If you’re in Australia, I’m just hoping you get this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kfHOsTYyKE
Speaking Candidly
The critical factors in successful "interviews" is not to have them. Have conversations instead—two colleagues chatting. Just make sure that you talk less than a third of the time. Use your comments and questions to prompt in-depth responses from the
A Minute with Alan® — Police Talk
July 6th, 2023 I’m a big fan of the police. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtUPJQ-uAe0
Wait, It Wasn’t the Middle Finger?
In an op ed piece in the Providence Journal, a woman lobbied for the state legislature to pass a law making it illegal to use one's fingers to pretend to point a gun at someone. It seems she "inadvertently" cut