Why Safe Driving Is Better than an Ambulance
Contingent action is represented by sprinkler systems, insurance, and fire alarms. They deal with a problem we sought to avoid but occurred anyway and now we have to deal with it. Preventive action is represented by fire marshals, safe wiring, and
Perspective Happiness
British Air put bright, yellow stickers on our luggage indicating "first class." And at Heathrow, those stickers were still affixed—as our bags came out dead last! But I realized that was better than their not arriving at all. So, when threatened
A Minute with Alan™ — Teachers
November 25th, 2022 That’s why I’m such a good writer and not a bad speaker. https://youtu.be/6FwUoIZkMBY
Errors are inevitable and unintended. Rudeness is a deliberate choice.
A Minute with Alan™ — Thanksgiving
November 24th, 2022 Be thankful for who you are and where you are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq6y-fa07ag
Eventually, You Have to Stop Running and Perform
I've observed for a long time that the traits and behaviors required to win political office are not the same—and are often the antithesis of—those required to govern well once in office. Here is today's headline from the Boston Globe on
A Minute with Alan™ — Law and Order
November 23rd, 2022 Even he’s awful because the writing and directing is so off base. https://youtu.be/z55yMTNHHzg
Always Say Never, Never Say Always
I've been to countries to which I'll never return. There is no need for it was an awful place. I've been to restaurants to which I'll always return because of the great service and food, and if I have a
A Minute with Alan™ — Jabberwocky
November 22nd, 2022 What else are you going to write on the side of the barn? https://youtu.be/jg4aZQxdkUo