One of our guest bedrooms has a closet in which I store a dozen or so copies of many of my books in case I get an order that I have to fulfill (signed copy, or something not readily available
A Minute With Alan™ — Medical Advertising
September 7th, 2022 You might lose your ring finger.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 09/07/2022
Barratry: The habitual instigation of lawsuits. “The new housing was never constructed because of the barratry of the existing homeowners.”
Where Is the “Erase” Button?
I get messages on email telling me that John Smith has "recalled" his email about XYZ. So I'm immediately prompted to read the withdrawn email, of course, since it's still sitting in my in box. Not exactly advanced technology.
A Minute With Alan™ — Extemporaneous
September 6th, 2022 If you’re an expert you should be able to speak extemporaneously on your expertise.
Playing the Hand You’re Dealt
One day, some time ago, my return trip on British Air from London was being delayed. I wandered over to an agent and asked if I could get on the earlier Concorde. She said, "Sure, and since you're in first
A Minute With Alan™ — Auto Tax
September 5th, 2022 Can they fix the potholes?
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/05/2022
So now we have “quiet quitting”! Tell me the truth—don’t you find this somewhat ironic with Labor Day upon us?! There’s the “great resignation,” “the gig economy,” and now “quiet quitting.” All of these seem to me to represent a ferocious
Didn’t Our Parents Know there Was an Escape Hatch?
I guess most of us are fortunate that our parents never "quietly quit' their jobs, or took part in a "great resignation," right? If they had only known. Wait, what if
You Want to Quietly Quit? Then Quietly Leave the Building.
Have you been following the newest movement du jour, "quiet quitting"? Isn't this just the latest manifestation of people who don't want to put forth effort and try to excel? Social media are full of people pontificating that a job interview isn't