Learning and Applying Should Be in Propinquity
How much of your college education is actually relevant today, or was even relevant upon graduation? I learned a great deal of applicable, relevant stuff in grammar school, because the teachers immediately had us reading, using math, diagramming sentences, and
A Minute With Alan™ — The Cynics
July 20th, 2022 That’s a terribly cynical stance.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 07/20/2022
Basilisk: A mythical reptile with lethal breath and gaze. “The huge iguana was like a basilisk warming itself in the sun."
Priorities in Government Are Different Somehow
Joe Biden is visiting here (Rhode Island) today in Air Force One to spend a brief amount of time and make a speech at a wind farm energy operation. He's be here a few hours and fly back to DC.
A Minute With Alan™ — Seating People
July 19th, 2022 Are you looking at the end result or are you looking at how you seat people.
If You Need A Minute, Don’t Take Ten
Brevity has far more power than prolixity. Assume the other person is intelligent. If they don't understand you, they'll ask questions. If they do understand you, then you can move on. Once someone tells me, "You need to hear the background
A Minute With Alan™ — HR
July 18th, 2022 I don’t condemn HR, I merely call them, hardly relevant.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/18/2022
We arrived home yesterday from our annual vacation to the Jersey Shore, our old stomping grounds. The round trip was 642 miles, 90 percent of which is on the interstates. In Italy, where most highways are two lanes in each direction, drivers
The British Open and Grit
I love the British Open at St. Andrews because there are no excuses. If the ball is against a wall, tough, figure out how to play it. If it's in one of the insane pothole bunkers eight feet down vertical
Help Me, Or Else
We all get this moronic spam from people in distant lands which starts with, "I've been researching your web site, and you're not getting enough attention. We can raise your SEO presence