My Complex Consulting Model
People at work at happy and productive when they are doing something they're good at, enjoy, and are recognized for their contribution. It's that simple. So is consulting.
Help Me Out, Here
If one's position is that people should not base their decisions, actions, and behaviors on religious beliefs, especially in the workplace and political choices, shouldn't those same people holding those positions be outraged and on the front lines of opposition
Accelerating Your Coaching Process
In the process visual* below, I've depicted my approach toward mentoring and coaching which I've recommended to my Master Mentors. First: Define and clarify the issue. ("I'm overwhelmed." What, exactly, dow that mean?) Second: If it's not really an issue, just a
Why Crime Rates Are Down and People Are Unhappy
Major crime in the U.S. is dramatically down from a decade ago across the board. New York remains the safest city of its size in the world. So why are so many people complaining about crime? Why are the politicians making
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/5/16
We celebrate Labor Day in the U.S. today, also celebrated in Canada, and widely celebrated in other countries as International Workers' Day on May 1. It has been a statutory holiday since 1894 (and informally also marks the end of
The Esteem Machine
Some machines have pressure gauges to inform us as to whether the pressure is too low to sustain effective operation, or so high that the machine may malfunction. The color green is usually effective, white too low, red too high. I've
The Benefit of the Doubt
TBOTD is priceless. If people trust you, they forgive errors. I forgave some mediocre service on Emirates because they treat me so well all the rest of the time. But I'd have a hard time forgiving United these days. We can