DASM The Tonight Show: Everything Old Is New Again
My wife was with me in the audience when a "famous" speaker used material that was 20 years old in his presentation. "I recognize that as ancient," she said, "and I'm not in the profession." Monday night, after enough fanfare to
Subcontracting Work Sought
Here is an excellent person looking for subcontracting work. If you can use her skills, please write to me and I'll put you in touch ([email protected]): I am a leadership and innovation expert and I have included below examples of activities
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/17/14
February 17, 2014—Issue #230 This week's focus point: The issues in our lives have to be concurrent, not sequential. When I was chair of the planning board in my town I had to convince people that you didn't wait until every
Alan’s Winter Olympic Moments (sponsorship for this spot available)
• Whoever thought the US skaters were losing because of their outfits? I thought they simply weren't skating as fast as the other people. • The winter Olympics was once about skiing downhill and skating across ice. Now it's a white
The Dog Star: Beagles and BMWs
Beagles are miracles of engineering. Bentley, my German Shepherd, can smell about six million times better than a human I'd guess, but Buddy Beagle can smell six millions times better than Bentley. Beagles are built to hunt vermin, so they
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• With melting, sloppy conditions in Sochi, it's pretty apparent that the Winter Olympics should have been held in New Jersey. Couldn't Governor Christie have caused some lane closures over there? • If you're wondering about the idiotic decision to keep
The Paranoid Are Welcome, But Keep Looking Behind You
Yesterday, I received this piece of spam: Dear Consulting Society, You should be alerted to this breaking news concerning Rick Warren: http://www.perfectpeaceplan.com/post/is-rick-warrens-claim-that-his-book-is-the-best-selling-non-fiction-hardback-book-in-history-true/ Sincerely, James Sundquist Director http://www.perfectpeaceplan.com I wrote back: This is spam. Today, I received this missive from Mr. Sundquist: Well you can be certain I won't write you again.