Why the Anger Over A Minor Issue?
Did you ever hear someone referred to as a person who "easily flies off the handle"? (An ancient phrase referring to an ax head flying off its wooden handle.) Were you ever perplexed by someone reacting far out of proportion
A Minute with Alan® — Uber
February 2nd, 2024 I love Uber. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeKbYDCBfeY
You’re Guilty and You’re Free to Go
A group of illegal immigrants (aka "asylum seekers") attacked two police officers near Times Square in Manhattan. Seven of them were arrested, two had prior shoplifting charges, all were released on personal recognizance. When we don't have consequences for small
A Minute with Alan® — Awards
February 1st, 2024 The Emmys drew a record-low audience in its history. Why is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S81IWRnsSGs
Why Some of Your Grandparents Can’t Easily Obtain Their Medication
I've met Rudy Giuliani. We belonged to the same cigar club in New York (which has since lost its lease). Those were the days when he was still in the afterglow of "America's Mayor" from the way he led after
A Minute with Alan® — Table Manners
January 31st, 2024 We’re not sure that we should try to be better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdUFPgRfetQ
The Greatest Innovators on 17th Street
Folks, if you paid to be in a book like Who's Who, or Great American Thinkers in Michigan, or The Great Coaches Under 37.5 Years of Age, there are three things wrong: You paid to get in, so it's not
Hey, Romo, You Should Have Came to Class More, Dude
Viacom, which owns CBS, is worth something like $14 billion. CAN THEY TAKE A COUPLE OF THOUSAND AND GIVE THIER PREMIER FOOTBALL SPORTSCASTER, TONY ROMO, SOME GRAMMAR LESSONS? He must have attended at least a couple of classes at Eastern
A Minute with Alan® — Personal Injury Lawyers
January 30th, 2024 This is not what American justice was meant to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riZmHlLSqEw