The Worst Hotel in Recent Memory
I haven't stayed in Marriotts for years, but I'm in Miami staying in one of the worst Marriotts I've ever experienced, and probably one of the worst hotels, at least in the US. Desk clerks chat idly with people while
A Minute with Alan® — A Snowy Day
February 20th, 2024 I don’t run away from the snow.
Your Worst Critic
You don't always have to be at your "best" to win. As the saying goes, you don't have to be fastest to escape a charging bear, just the second slowest. Stop beating yourself up because some jerk gave you a
A Minute with Alan® — Euphemism
February 19th, 2024 Are they criminals, rioters, or undocumented shoppers?
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/19/2024
My birthday is approaching next month, and in May we'll go to our 60th high school reunion. I'm also working on my 60-something-ish book, and we're about to go to Florida for work and pleasure for 10 days, going to Bologna
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
If you're in southern New England, go see the GAMM Theater's production of this Edward Albee masterpiece. I've seen the movie and a regional production prior, but this is as good as it possibly can get. Three hours and it
Artificial Unintelligence (AU)
With all the hoopla about advanced technology and artificial intelligence, why can't someone market a device to stop ALL spam and ALL robot-calls? I'd pay for that.
Is There Help Available for How to Drink My Martini? (Hurry, it’s getting warm.)
I've never used the automatic parking feature on the three of my cars which have it. I can park faster and better myself, and the feature still requires me to shift gears myself. I haven't used the cruise control option
The Limelight
Publicity and the spotlight (and challenges) exacerbate strengths and weaknesses. Strong companies and individuals survived and even thrived during and after covid. Weak ones did not. Travis Kelce is a superb football tight end, but, apparently, not the greatest intellect and
They Don’t Teach Geography in Law School
At a hearing, Fani Willis, the district attorney leading the Georgia criminal case against Trump, rejected an accusation that she had lied about a romantic relationship with a fellow prosecutor. A witness claims they she saw them romantically involved before