Oh, Those Billable Hours!
Here is some great food for thought from Timothy Wilson: Alan, In reading your blog today the following made me laugh: 3. “Your time is your value. One guy at a conference, whose name I saw on one of these
Amateur Hour
Every morning I receive Google Alerts telling me where my name or Million Dollar Consulting and similar phrases of mine are used. Most of the time I find very complimentary citations, rarely I find someone ripping me off (who is
You Are Not Taking Me With You
Do you hate your job, despise the government, disgusted with your weight and the relationship you are in? Are you disappointed with everyone and everything around you? So what should you do about it? Listen to this podcast and find
Consulting Opportunity
I’m looking for 2 to 3 people, probably just starting out on their own; to facilitate two different sales classes I’ve developed. The rate would be $1,000 a day plus expenses. The individuals must have a strong sales background
And Speaking of Judging….
Without taking sides in the debate last night, I have to say that Hillary Clinton looked at Barack Obama when he was speaking the same way that my Shepherd, Koufax, looks through the window at a squirrel on the bird
Let ME be the Judge of That (Episode 18)
Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2008. All rights reserved.
Nice Guy Finishes First
TOWN OF EAST GREENWICH PROCLAMATION WHERAS, Alan Weiss served approximately five years on the East Greenwich Planning Board, being appointed August 6, 2002; and WHEREAS, only in East Greenwich will you find the Chair of the Planning Board in a
Seminars Made Easy
So you want to create and run successful workshops. Listen to Alan discuss: How long should it run? How many idea points? Should you use visuals? And how to make it outstanding. Click on arrow below for podcast to start [podcast]http://www.contrarianconsulting.com/wp-content/podcasts/Seminars-Made-Easy.mp3[/podcast] Click Here
London Journal: February 23
The limo from Virgin Atlantic arrived ten minutes early, as usual. I reluctantly left the massive suite and headed outside. The concierge walked out with me and asked, with that wonderful speech pattern, "I wonder, Dr. Weiss, if you could