Come On, Man! Au Naturel
I ask people in my Zoom sessions to turn on their videos. It's a requirement for the session. I want to see people and I want them so see each other. I think it's rude not to do so. Imagine
A Minute with Alan® — Familiarity
October 3rd, 2023 The more familiar you can make yourself with a situation you’ll be in, the better you’ll be while you’re in it.
It’s About the Population of Germany
In the 2020 US presidential election, about 80 million people (one-third of all eligible voters) did not vote. That's a larger population number than all of but 18 countries in the world. I think this might be worse in 2024. People
A Minute with Alan® — 9 Sharp
October 2nd, 2023 Behaviors are consistent.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/02/2023
I’m an optimistic guy. I was pretty confident that there would be an agreement to fund the government without a shutdown. It was simply pragmatic politics: Who wants to be blamed for millions of workers not getting paid while Congress
But What Will They Make Care Seats From?
My daughter told me to hang on to my current iPhone case in the event I buy a new phone, because Apple has discontinued leather holders. Looking into my clothes closets I'm seeing what may be very valuable future collectables. Who
Bleak House
In the US (and much of the industrialized world) morbidity is higher than fertility. We are not replacing ourselves. I won't delve into the sociological details here, but rather the pragmatic ones. Historically, those countries with large numbers of available
Why Can’t I See Better in All This Rain?
Yesterday, I was driving home from the big auto show in Newport, which is about 30 minutes normally, but the rain was pelting down. There are two large bridges en route, the Jamestown and Newport Bridges, and the tops of
A Minute with Alan® — The Best and the Brightest
September 29th, 2023 The best and the brightest do not go into public service.
Are You Too Stupid to Use A Turn Signal?
There are a lot of calls for cognitive testing for political candidates and office-holders. I'm all for it. I figure if cognitive abilities were tested with a minimum passing grade for a driver's license, we'd take care of traffic jams and