LinkedIn has now blocked me for three days without any specific reason other than "violating their code of conduct." Maybe that means I'm an intelligent human being who doesn't put up with nonsense and who finds people who ask to
A Minute with Alan™ — The Guide
April 13th, 2023 Tell people what they need to know.
Why You Won’t Find Me on LinkedIn These Days
Linkedin arbitrarily informed me earlier this week that they weren't sure I'm really who I am (after many years of membership), and I had to provide proof. I send in my passport photo. They said they'd review it. Within five
Guest Column: Business Analysis—Finding What Drives Your Business
Business Analysis: Finding What Drives Your Business by Manny Skevofilax Measuring and managing your cash flow is an important piece of your business analysis. Both struggling businesses and those experiencing explosive growth can feel overwhelmed while trying to balance essential and extraneous
A Minute with Alan™ — Louvre
April 12th, 2023 What constitutes contemporary art in the Louvre?
School Days
Royce starts Puppy School tomorrow, twice a week for eight weeks. He's seven months and 70 pounds, and can hit 32 MPH. Those of you who are physics majors, figure out that impact. He has to have with him his
If Not You, Who?
• You're too young. • You're too old. • You don't have the right background. • You don't understand the details. • You have no experience with this. • You don't know the culture. Commonality? These are all excuses to protect someone from hearing a fresh,
A Minute with Alan™ — Eiffel Tower
April 11th, 2023 It’s better to be here and see it.