Did You Hear the One About the Sand Dollar, or the Trash Collector at Disneyland?
There's an ancient, hackneyed story in the speaking profession that every poor speaker "steals" and uses. Basically, it's about a stonemason who's asked what he's doing and replies, "I'm laying stones." When a second stonemason is asked the same question,
A Minute With Alan™ — Say You’re Sorry
June 24th, 2022 Stick around. I have a surprise for you at the end.
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: The Restaurant Industry
Look, I'm just a humble consultant eking out a living for my family. I only have three advanced degrees, I didn't have time for more. And I've just worked with about half the Fortune 500, I never did work for
A Minute With Alan™ — Extreme Denial
June 23rd, 2022 You spoke too fast and I couldn't understand you.
#245 – Radicalism
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 245 - Radicalism Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 245 - Radicalism
Just Because You Think It or Write It Doesn’t Make It True
When I read one of these "bad news" posts on Facebook or LinkedIn the comments are rife with people throwing fuel on the fire. They recount how it also happened to them, that the human race is hopeless, that only
A Minute With Alan™ — Success
June 22nd, 2022 I know that it’s contrarian, but that is how I am known.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 06/22/2022
Eschatology: The study of humans’ ultimate destiny. “The eschatology grows dimmer in days of disease and war.”
Isn’t This an Obviousity?
I contend that for a nation to try and tax itself into prosperity, is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. ~ Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) And I don't think you cure poverty by