Choices During the Plague
Best thing: Get vaccinated, vastly reduce chances of being infected, and almost negate all chances of death, while protecting others as well. Next best thing: Wear a mask and practice social distancing, run the risk of infection and death, and perhaps
The Post-Pandemic Polka
We're back from the Jersey Shore. Beaches were crowded, excellent restaurants packed. (I might also note that the psychics were doing strong business! But I guess they knew that was coming
Episode 197 – UFO’s
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ - Episode 197 - UFO's Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform:
We’re Going to Need More Quarters
As an indication of how advanced a society can be, the photo is of one of the amenities for the owners of the residences in the hotel where we've been on vacation this past week in Asbury Park, NJ. Along
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 07/21/2021
Word of the week™: Flaneur
Spitting Into the Wind of Success
People occasionally tell me my advice is poor, and it didn't work. That's certainly possible. But if it's working for thousands of other people, the greater probability is that the complainers just didn't do it well enough. But it's easier to
I think what people seek more than anything else is control. They're most secure, even "happy" when they feel they have influence over their lives. We've come to call this "agency" today, meaning latitude of action. The media drown us in
The Real “Best Practices”
"Best practices" are going to be more focused on industries, professions, and markets than ever before. In any case, the most effective "best practices" are usually internal, not external. Organizations look to others without bothering to examine whether they've disseminated
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/19/2021
I'm writing this from Asbury Park, NJ, on the Jersey Shore (other coasts have beaches, but Jersey has "the shore" as Billy Joel sings in "Allentown"). When I was younger, I came here infrequently because we couldn't afford anything more