I Create Entrepreneurial Success
When you're asked, "What do you do?" respond with what you create. Move the conversation from methodology to results.
It Was A Struggle, But Not “Life and Death”
Recently, our dog Coco crashed through the ice on our pond while chasing ducks, and I tried to wade in after her, through the ice. My Shepherd, Bentley, then jumped in to try to save me! My wife called the
Forget Mensa: The True Test
If you have a sophisticated "rolling code" garage door opener, and can successfully program a new car's automatic opener to it the first time while running up and down ladders and pressing 16 buttons, your IQ must be above 160.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/20/2020
Around 11 am yesterday, I decided to drive over to my train layout and have some fun before the playoff games. Maria asked me to take some stuff over for storage, and as she opened the side door and said,
There was the predicted two inches of snow in the Providence, RI area last night. The start, ending, and amount were precisely forecast by the 3,400 "meteorologists" employed by the media in these parts. (We should look at our state
Would the Passenger in 5B Please Stop Playing the Trombone?
In one trip to the United Airlines lounge in Denver, I watched a man cutting his toenails sitting amidst others, and heard another using totally profane language while shouting on his cell phone. Two others, together, tried to sneak into
If you stand-in the rain getting soaked for 30 minutes waiting for a taxi because a limo or an Über is more expensive, you're not exactly someone I'd want as my trusted advisor. The last thing any business person needs
Main Street
On some mornings, I take the dogs for coffee at Main Street Coffee. At around 6 am there is usually a group of men sitting around who are shop owners or electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and so forth, getting together before
Episode 118: Why We Believe What We Believe
Sometimes it's hard to believe what we choose to believe, and here's why. We need to stop confirming what we'd like to believe, and start confirming what the facts tell us we should believe.