Winning Percentages
I'm watching a lot of football this time of year, and all of these teams are filled with star athletes, even at third-string. Yet only some teams are far above the pack. it's not the athletes, it's the coaching. The same
Episode 112: Taxi!
Why capitalism is about the survival of the smartest as exemplified by taxis that no longer stink. You can't fight progress, you have to join it.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 11/27/19
Today's word: fugacious.
What Time Is It?
I love people who arrive late, disrupt everyone else asking what they missed, and bring their breakfast with them to eat in the session. These are not people who are going to be charismatic leaders later in life. They're not
What Do You Mean, “What’s a ruler?”?
I'm closing in on four million air miles. I began counting from my first plane trip as an exchange student in 1963. Right into my professional career, I would open an atlas, use a ruler, calculate the inches and then
People have "humility" all wrong. It's not about lessening yourself. It's about elevating others.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/25/2019
We made a donation to attend an appearance by former Vice President Joe Biden in Providence yesterday afternoon. (They cleverly scheduled it well before the Patriots game.) He and I arrived at the same time by coincidence and I was
Don’t Sit Next to the Window: Dumb Ass, Stupid Management
Recently, Elon Musk threw a huge "coming out" party for the Tesla version of a pickup truck concept. This had, for some reason, armor plate and shatter-proof, unbreakable windows. As a demonstration, a Tesla executive threw a softball-size piece of