Desperately Seeking Intellectualism
There's a woman on Linkedin claiming (with photos) she made a completely false talk at TEDx and people loved it. Why doesn't this surprise me? (Item courtesy of Becky Morgan.)
The Dog Star: Futurism
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. –Astrological Definition) When my dogs stick their heads out of the car window, they
You Want to Interview Me from Jail?
Don't jump at every offer of an interview, webinar, etc. Ask what the show's demographics are and how many people are reached. A lot of people are merely trying to build their own audience by doing interviews, and it can
Internet Scammers and Intelligence Are in Inverse Proportion
You would think, if you're a crook, you'd at least try to get good at it. Check out the excellent English here, received in my email today, from no doubt someone in a basement in the Czech Republic, or Nigeria,
Identity Politics
What you're seeing in Virginia right now is one of the worst aspects of today's "identity politics": The identities (constituencies) have a direct conflict, a minority office holder accused by at least two women of rape.
Episode 71: Affectation Observations
Why carry a cup of coffee INTO a coffee shop? Affectation
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 02/13/19
Today's word: morganatic.
This Round Is On Me
Could someone make a fortune today with a business that destroyed all old yearbooks, burned all photos of you when you weren't in a scout uniform helping the elderly cross streets, and counter-threaten all those people who got drunk along
Dining the Right Way
Meal-related business and social engagements are powerful ways to gain the competitive edge and establish successful partnerships. Success requires not only a great product or service but also excellent people skills and conduct. Poor command of a dining situation and