I'm continually astounded by the lack of serious education displayed on Facebook by people who don't understand socialism, throw "fascism" around as if it's all around us, find conspiracies under all the rugs, and seem to believe there is only
Paul Allen
RIP Paul Allen, dead at 65, a true innovator and philanthropist. Through Microsoft, with Bill Gates, he helped change the world.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/15/18
Some time ago, I returned to my seat on a plane and promptly spilled wine on the man next to me, who was wearing a gray business suit. I was horrified and hugely apologetic. “Look,” he said, “it’s no big deal,
Where Did I Put My Keyboard?
According to a study by Professor Joseph Ferrari (seriously) at DePaul University, cited in Current Psychology, clutter is tied to procrastination. People who create disorderly living spaces are more likely to procrastinate. About 20% of people are "chronic procrastinators."
Let Me Define “Hobby”
I find that the people who take a hobby to the nth degree don't have a hobby any more. They've simply created another job for themselves. Some stamp collectors must have a pristine stamp with perfect centering and original gum on
Root, Root, Root, for the Home Team….
We're now at that magical time of year for some when professional football, baseball, basketball, and hockey are all being played. In those arenas and stadiums is where people should be screaming, not on elevators, in corridors, or during meetings.
I Can’t Hear You
If you can't speak to me with passion, energy, excitement, and animation about what you do, you're simply going to be lost in the crowd.
A woman with an "emotional support squirrel" was asked to leave an airplane, and now is threatening to sue and "own the airline" according to this morning's news. She gave the finger to everyone as she was wheeled away. Excess permissiveness almost
Episode 53: Teachers’ Unions
When the student isn't seen as the customer, the student isn't served well, and neither are we. Have these teachers' unions really achieved anything?