Episode 35: Fiji
There is no direct correlation between success and happiness, at least in the Pacific. Many of the residents of Fiji don't have glass in their windows and don't have doors in their doorways. And yet, these are among the happiest people I've ever met. Why?
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 6/6/18
Today's word: recondite.
Are You Enjoying My Prior Request About Your Enjoyment?
All of these new privacy announcements are invading my privacy. Hotel surveys spoil my happiness with the hotel. Servers asking me if I'm enjoying my meal are interrupting my meal. It's not sufficient to have good intentions. You need to evaluate
Klout.com has gone out of business. All those people measuring their social media standings as if they meant anything are now bereft. They'll have to go back to "click-throughs" or "likes" or "reacts" or other nonsense to bolster fragile egos. I
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking…
I used to think anyone with a baseball cap on backwards who was over 16 years of age looked idiotic. I was wrong, and I apologize. Anyone over 6 years of age looks idiotic. When I see someone covered
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/4/18
Learning is abstract and often useless unless it's reified. The theory of how to ride a bike, steer a car, or ski downhill isn't very useful until you practice it, making the inevitable adaptations you need to be successful.
The Martial Arts of Language
Folks, I have an ebook in progress called The Martial Arts of Language. It's $50, and here's an excerpt: I’ve never heard of you. That because virtually all of my work comes through referrals. What other organizations have you worked with? I’m sorry, as
Good intentions are not synonymous with good advice
People you trust and who truly may have your best interests in mind are not always capable of providing you with good advice. That’s because they haven’t been in your position. They haven’t experienced what you’re experiencing. And they don’t
You Came to Hear Me Speak, I Didn’t Come Here to Listen to You Speak
A guy came up to me during a session break yesterday to try to nitpick a statistic I use which is unequivocally true. I told him there were two ways to look at it, right and wrong, and I was