Here’s My Material for Our Call in Five Minutes
I get a kick out of receiving some material an hour or less before a scheduled call and being asked to look it over, as though I'm sitting around with nothing to do! I guess it's nice that people feel
Admit It, Most of You Agree….
Trigger warning: Some or probably all of the opinions expressed below my cause you to seek out a safe zone or demand the writer be shouted down. Please be apprised of that danger before deciding to read on. My intent
Listen to Me, Not Them
There is some kind of new trend on Linkedin, although it may just be plagiarism and copying, stipulating that asking "Why?" is the wrong approach to problem solving, Instead, we should be asking "What?" (One of the proponents is a
Welcome to 2018
What are you doing differently or better (or eliminating entirely) as of today?
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/1/18
I was torn between simply saying "Happy New Year" this morning and including a message. I've decided on the latter, because I think the subject is important for all of us in the year ahead. I think we should apply
Some Numbers to Ponder
As of this morning, the average number of followers on Twitter is 208. The average number of friends on Facebook is 338. About 50% of all those on Linkedin have fewer than 500 connections. According to Jonah Berger's research (the author of Invisible Influence
A Modest Plan
Well, it's December 28 and some of you are feeling guilty that you're not working very much at the moment. Some of you are trying to "justify" inactivity with the rubric that "no one is around over the holidays." And