When in Rome….
• I'm waiting for the elevator in The Hassler Hotel on the fourth floor, going up to the lounge on the seventh. It arrives with an all-too-typical American man: pot belly, tee-shirt, raggedy shorts, flip flops. With him is his
Those Stupid Things Remind Me of You
We all say stupid things. Some of us are lucky enough to have family and friends who straighten us out. You owe it to your clients to point out stupid things, not pretend they weren't said or are actually legitimate. "You were
View from The Hassler Hotel, St. Peter's in the far background; the courtyard bar; monument to Vittorio Emanule II.
Publish but Don’t Perish
You know how "It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it"? Well, a corollary: "It's not that you have a book out, it's what you do with it." Stop dreaming that you're in the book selling business
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/13/16
I'm a huge believer in positive psychology, positve self-talk, abudance thinking, and building self-esteem. I've seen people fail to enjoy life (and contribute to it) because they have a scarcity mentality. A great many actors, while posing with the Oscar
A Quick Tip
A taxi in Sydney takes me to my meeting. I pay the driver, including my usual tip, and thank him. "Good Lord," he says, "you're American." "Can you tell by my accent?" "No, I can tell by your tip!"
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/6/16
Mohammed Ali made the rare transition from a man who was reviled to a man who was loved. He was a great athlete and a great showman. His relationship with Howard Cossell was a unique sports/media tandem. Ali was a