Movie Reviews from The Critic-in-Chief
My completely biased and accurate reviews of recent major films: • 12 Years A Slave: Predictable (I kept thinking "Roots" of 30 years ago) and often implausible with a magnificent performance by Chiwetel Ejiofor but a hugely overrated performance by Lupita
Phrases That Are Fingernails on Blackboards
Phrases that have become fingernails on blackboards* (* Blackboard: A primitive writing surface requiring chalk and erasers with no digital component or wireless interface. It's progeny was the Etch-a-Sketch.) • Resonate. I don't really care if something resonates with you. Do you
Regrets, I’ve Had A Few….
The title comes from a line in Sinatra's signature, canonical version of the song, My Way, written by Paul Anka. The line finishes: "
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/17/14
This week's focus point: Remember the book and movie "Fail Safe," where we were powerless to recall our own bomber from dropping a nuclear bomb? Malaysian military people at their posts specifically charged with identifying encroaching planes failed to identify
Alan’s Thought For Today: Where’s Your Power Going?
It's tough to coach people who create their own fears. They're afraid of failing but don't appreciate succeeding. They are always afraid of the worst, never confident of the best. Fear soaks up energy, diverts attention, masks talent, and creates a
Have you ever tried to leave a theater and found that a small group of people have paused in the doorway to chat about the play, blocking everyone behind them? Have you experienced people getting off an escalator and stopping