Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/7/13
October 7, 2013—Issue #211 This week's focus point: I've had this crazy thought that we're living in times that drive us to polarization. We see the phenomenon in politics, in business, in religion, in entertainment (Miley Cyrus is
Maintaining Your Sanity
It's easy to lose perspective when you're a solo practitioner, especially if you've listened to some poor advice along the way. Here are some suggestions for gaining and preserving perspective, and not losing your mind. • Don't mindlessly send out mass
New York Looks Broken
The Amtrak train from Boston to Providence was late (a 20 minute trip from its origin that took it nearly 30) and no announcement was made. First class was jammed full. At New Rochelle, all power was lost. But, it
Almost Free Teleconference
I'm conducting an hour-long teleconference on Nov. 26 (11 am US Eastern time) on the details and language of gaining conceptual agreement with buyers: objectives, metrics, and value. I'm including questions to ask, phrasing, metaphors, and other techniques. A complimentary
The Dog Star: Anticipation
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) Bentley looks over his shoulder at turns in the hall or
When will someone post on Facebook: "I've hated her and never told her, so now I'm finally leaving her and I'm free, free at last!" It would sort of balance out all of these massive public "I love you" notes
Random Observations
• Terrific season openers of "The Good Wife," "Homeland," "Revenge," "Blacklist." • Part of the inferiority complex in Rhode Island manifests itself with drivers who refuse to give you a break if you have to turn across their lane or merge
Hound Hike Award
My wife and I are the primary patrons of the East Greenwich Animal Protection League, and they surprised me at the annual Hound Hike Sunday with this nice award from the stage. If you're interested in an almost-free teleconference on
Whac-A-Mole Redux
Whac-A-Mole is one of my all-time favorite games, and I racked up many a perfect score on the Wildwood, NJ boardwalk before they removed the thing for some dumb video gimmick. Everyone who becomes one of my Master Mentors receives