Aim, Fire, Ready
When I was touring the extraordinarily emotional Normandy beaches, I saw the evidence for the noncoms urging men forward, to keep moving, into the guns, and not to stop. Despite the withering fire, the soldiers were safer if they moved
Robert Middleton interviews Alan Weiss
Marketing expert Robert Middleton interviews Alan Weiss on how to Thrive! 59:28 [podcast][/podcast] Download MP3 Transcript in PDF (347 KB) and now also on iTunes
Presentation Coach Sought
I provided the wrong email address last time, apparently: Needed: an executive presentation coach for two or three middle managers at an Aerospace firm in Torrance, California. They need help making more compelling presentations when they address boards, other corporate teams,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/18/11
April 18, 2011—Issue #83 This week’s focus point: John Naisbitt wrote about "high tech/high touch" almost 30 year ago, and I believe he was absolutely on target. Technological "mystery" has plateaued, and we no more think of
Evolution or Intelligent Design: The future for outstanding consultants
I'm speaking for the Institute of Management Consultants on Thursday afternoon as part of a full-day event they are hosting. You can see the link and the write-up of my session below. I'd be happy to see you there. Evolution or