Miss America
Well, Ashley didn't make the finals, incredibly. But here is the update: • She won the top award for swimsuit competition in the preliminaries • She won the Miss Photogenic award out of all 52 competitors • She won a modeling contract and
No Whining
How to deal with people that constantly complain and what is the danger of such mindset. Listen to Alan in this rare episode complain about complainers. Click on arrow below for podcast to start [podcast]http://www.contrarianconsulting.com/wp-content/podcasts/No-Whining.mp3[/podcast] Click Here for entire podcast series table
Stranger than Fiction
My son, Jason, is a sometimes-employed actor and a frequently-employed bartender in New York City. He recently landed the prestigious role of Iago in a play to be produced in Virginia in a couple of months. Dutifully, he headed off
Progression in A Recession
I’ve been asked to comment on how to “make it through” tough economic times. For example, if housing starts are radically down, what do you do when Home Depot suffers and stops using consultants? Oh, boy. First, the preventive: Your clients and prospects
An Interview With God
This is called "An Interview With God." It is not for everyone. I found the messages to be quite valuable to apply to ourselves. You may find it superficial and judgmental, I don't know. It's here if you're curious and
The Dog Star: It’s Not Me, It’s You
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) Koufax is still sleeping on the couch in our bedroom this
A Penny for Your Thoughts, A Million for Your Results
Someone explain this to me: If a client is best served by a problem being remediated quickly, or an innovation being implemented rapidly, or an improvement being installed momentarily, then why isn’t the consultant charging for the velocity of the work
Dance Ten, Looks Three
Stop listening to people that have no idea about what it is that they are talking about and find out who at times you should best listen to in order to get the best advice. Click on arrow below for podcast
Were the “Good Old Days” Really Better? (Episode 17)
Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2008. All rights reserved.
Ya Never Know
If you don't ask, the answer is always no! Listen to Alan discuss such instances that help illustrate that unless you ask