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Business Valuator Needed

Business Valuator Needed

I need someone who can valuate and help in the sale of a small consulting business. I'm handling this for a third party. Please contact me at [email protected]. NOTE: Individual must have sterling references, experience in selling small consulting firms.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Paul A Halas, Jr., VA, CMC

    November 18, 2009

    Alan – We have been doing business valuations for service firms (Consulting firms, CPAs, Attorneys, Realtors, medical practices,etc) since 1985. I offer a comprehensive information package on my system – the Halas Business Valuation System (HBVS) which I would be pleased to forward. One other point, we specifically do not become involved in the buy/sell activity of a given valuation client because historically firms which do offer such services often have ulterior objectives which can influence the final values. Because our system is free of such bias, the final numbers we produce are absolutely pristine, bias free and based purely on the assets owned and the “real” financial performance of the business. Visit our website at http://www.halas.com. we would be pleased to work with your client on this assignment.

  • Alan Weiss

    November 18, 2009

    Thank you, Paul.

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