This Is No Joke
There are many unpleasant and obnoxious human conditions, but one of the absolute worst is to have no sense of humor.
Who’s In Charge Here?
If you're seen as an expert, then you set the terms of how you work with people. Once you compromise, contort, and concede, you've become another hired hand. Never surrender the high ground.
A Pain in the But
People who start most sentences with "but" are the monkey wrenches in the gears of life. I tell them assertively, "Stop starting sentences with but'!" That eviscerates them linguistically.
If you're threatened by bright people, you'll never learn from them.
Humility from A Different View
Here's the odd thing about craving "humility": If you think you don't have to blow your own horn, and people will simply magically hear about you and come to you, isn't that the height of arrogance?
My Complex Consulting Model
People at work at happy and productive when they are doing something they're good at, enjoy, and are recognized for their contribution. It's that simple. So is consulting.
Do you want to suffer through the relatively brief hard work it takes to be excellent, or would you rather endure the long-term suffering of being mediocre?
Future Shock
You will never realize that attractive future you can visualize if you're afraid of the journey that takes you there. To visualize is to dream unless you actualize.
Too many people regret yesterday and worry about tomorrow rather than enjoy today.