This Is Not Using St. Peter’s Name in Vain
Do you know why people root for underdogs? Because most people feel they're the underdog, fighting government bureaucracy, big box store apathy, cries of impending disaster about climate change, conspiracies, being reminded they're somehow guilty every day by the "Woke"
The Issue Is Where You Get Wet
I remember a New Yorker cartoon from many years ago in which the interviewer and the interviewee, sitting across the desk from each other, looked exactly alike. The interviewer was saying, "I don't know what it is about you, but I
Good News and Bad News
The first sale is to yourself. If you have an important meeting looming with a buyer, and you're nervous and afraid of blowing it, there's an essential problem, and it's not with your skill set it's with your self-esteem. Do you believe
If Coffee Has More than Three Adjectives You Won’t Learn A Thing
If you want some honest feedback on what's affecting people, order a regular coffee from a waitress and sit down in a coffee shop or diner in a working class neighborhood, not with a double latte, soy, cinnamon, three-shot Vente
Damn, the Remote Is Gone Again!
A lot of the time I leave the pickup truck outside at night, and in the morning, when the dogs and I go for coffee, the windows are covered with ice and it's freezing inside until I can get things
The Case for Cleaning Out
It was time for a new briefcase, and I am in New York, so I found something really nice in a store on Madison Avenue. While transferring from my old briefcase, I found: • Some medicines that would cause more harm
It's Sunday and I'm watching a squirrel scamper over the frozen tundra of our back lawn for about 30 yards, finally settling for a moment on a four-foot- wide stump, the remains of a 150-year-old tree we had to have
Quantity Isn’t Qualiity
Quantity often has little to do with quality. Have you noticed that some books have five pages of endorsements inside the front cover? Does that really improve the chances of it being sold? Don't three powerful endorsements do that? Do you
You’re Late, You’re Late, for A Very Important Date….
Here's what's going on with a great many merchants, including the largest: They are reducing the amount of time between their billing statement and payment date. Given the poor service of the post office these days, and if you're on
There’s Always A Way
The important thing in times of adversity is to take action, grasp some control. You can schedule a backup flight, call a doctor for a second opinion, rent a car, ask a colleague for help who's had a similar experience. By merely