Social Proof
"If you can do it, it ain't braggin'." —Legendary baseball pitcher and Hall of Fame member, Dizzy Dean (1910-1974)
Who’s on First?
Don't fall victim to office gossip and myths. No employee will ever tell you that the problem is her fault or the lack of communications is caused by his indifference. It's always someone else, often the boss. We're better off
Forget Mensa: The True Test
If you have a sophisticated "rolling code" garage door opener, and can successfully program a new car's automatic opener to it the first time while running up and down ladders and pressing 16 buttons, your IQ must be above 160.
There was the predicted two inches of snow in the Providence, RI area last night. The start, ending, and amount were precisely forecast by the 3,400 "meteorologists" employed by the media in these parts. (We should look at our state
If you stand-in the rain getting soaked for 30 minutes waiting for a taxi because a limo or an Über is more expensive, you're not exactly someone I'd want as my trusted advisor. The last thing any business person needs
Let Me Help You Out While We Pose for A Selfie
An act of generosity is most impressive, ironically, when it isn't public, when no one's name appears on a building, when you do something for someone in need and don't post it on Facebook, when there's no mention in a
Be An R&D Lab, Not A Copy Machine
"Derivative" means "imitative of the work of another." It's not quite theft, but nor is it anywhere near original. If you glance at LinkedIn these days, for example, you'll find a slew of "talking heads," people looking into a camera and
Your Attention, Please
I was introduced once at an awards ceremony as "one of the three geniuses in this organization." I asked my introducer what was going on with that phrase after my acceptance. He told me, "Everyone in that audience was thinking,
Wait, Winning the Lottery Can Hurt You
There was an article in the Times today about an ignition locking device that prevents a car from starting if the driver is inebriated. That sounds like a good idea, right? Well, this article indicated there "could be dangerous conditions"
Is Anyone Home?
People take some days off for the holidays, but they don't go on sabbatical! If you decide to stop marketing for the month then stop wondering why your sales pipeline is dry during the first quarter of 2020.