DASM The Tonight Show: Everything Old Is New Again
My wife was with me in the audience when a "famous" speaker used material that was 20 years old in his presentation. "I recognize that as ancient," she said, "and I'm not in the profession." Monday night, after enough fanfare to
You Don’t Need An Olympic Effort
These athletes at the Olympics are dealing with treacherous hills, dangerous runs, tough competitors, psychological pressure, and so on. In a split second they can forfeit years of tough training and a lifetime of aspirations. When you deal with a buyer,
You Can’t Even Fool Some of the People Some of the Time
Of all the useless items I receive, the "newsletter" from the political candidate running for reelection which arrives a week before the vote takes first place for transparent pandering. Why didn't I receive some update over the past year or two
Are You An Expert Or A Delivery Wagon?
If you walk into a meeting with a buyer oriented toward a "solution" or methodology, you're going to default to it like a homing pigeon no matter what the buyer says about his or her needs. If you walk in with
How to Impress A Buyer
If you want to impress a buyer at your first meeting in the buyer's office, think about these techniques: • Google the firm and find out something about it's recent history worth discussing. • Google the person and find something in his
Respect and Affection
Too many consultants want to be liked. They are desperate for affiliation or even deeper regard. However, what we need from buyers is respect. You can respect someone without necessarily liking them. (Speakers who use the stage for their own
We Get Letters….
No matter what kind of market you're in, my approaches will work if you have the discipline: I'd like you to know I purchased "Million Dollar Consulting" and "Million Dollar Consulting Proposals" and read them cover to cover while on travel
DASM: Sirius Needs To Get Serious
On the cars we tend to buy, satellite radio is included. My wife's 2007 has lifetime Sirius as part of the original purchase, for example. I was driving my 2014 yesterday, with Sirius installed and activated by the dealer before
Fees Are Never Too High
Everyone reading this who is trying to be successful in professional (and personal) services has heard the buyer's rejection: "This is more than we anticipated spending." "This is not something we've budgeted for." "This is an amount which we never
The Bentley Card, providing credits to all of my work, is no officially cross-species. © Alan Weiss 2013