“To Do” Lists Don’t Do It
I coach a lot of people who are bright, high energy, and successful, but who aren't operating at anywhere near peak performance because they manage their time inefficiently. I've come to realize that the more they try to organize, the
Common Sense Consulting™ Workshop in New York
Our full house begins the day. We had to handle the overflow on a second day.
Common Sense Consulting™ Weekly Videos
Common Sense Consulting Weekly®: Based on my sold-out teleconference and New York workshop, receive a five-minute video every week describing a consulting practice or methodology that is quick, reduces labor intensity, and increases value (and, therefore, fees). I'll send you
How To Open A Conversation With A Buyer
Many consultants don't know what to say after "hello," and you only get one first impression. Here are some ideas for how to break the ice, control the conversation, and get down to business: I have three objectives today, and I'm
Excerpt from “Million Dollar Web Presence”
In Entrepreneur: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/223752?cam=Dev&ctp=Carousel&cdt=16&cdn=223752
If You Want To Make It As A Consultant
If you want to make it as a consultant: • Develop listening skills, which means you need to speak far less. Counter-intuitively, stop telling people about yourself and start asking others about themselves. • Develop questioning skills. Learn to direct a conversation by
And Introducing….
I remember the first time I saw the introducer of a general session speaker at the annual convention of the National Speakers Association take five minutes to introduce a 45-minute speech. The introducer did her own "star turn," to rousing
Why Self-Employed Consultants Fail
Three Flavors of Consultant
I have the rare opportunity in my communities to observe consultants consulting with each other—offering advice, asking questions, engaged in mutual and constructive improvement. I've noticed that in virtually zero cases do these very high powered consultants in the room